What is my preferred reading time? All the time. Where? Everywhere.
I am what the professionals call “a bookworm.” The worst kind of bookworm. In any given moment you will find a book within my reach. I read on the couch, in bed, at the doctor’s office, while waiting for my turn at the bank, in the park. Anywhere you can think of, except for the beach. I never go to the beach. Don’t like it. Too sandy for me.
When I was a kid, I had a subscription to the local public library. I used to take a book and start reading it on my way home, while walking with my head stuck deep into the book, not even trying to see where I was heading. I still do it sometimes. When I take my dog for a walk I take advantage of every second he stops for a sniff to read a few more sentences. More than once I’ve found myself standing in the middle of the street, reading, with the dog finished his business long ago and I, oblivious to the world and his troubles. Standing like a stone statue and reading.
One of my weirdest reading spots is my car. My work makes me drive a lot, and at every stop, I read. I find a parking spot, read for a few minutes, go out and work, finish, get back to the car, read a few more minutes and hit the road. The book lies open on the seat next to me and HOP – red traffic light. Hmmm… this looks like a perfect time to read a few more words. What’s that? Who’s honking? Oh, I guess the red light turned green. The book goes back to its place on the seat, and I continue my journey.
Falling asleep with a book is one of the biggest delights for someone like me. Nothing beats reading until your eyes close. And then you open them and read a little more until the sleep finally catches you with its grasp. Even if I am exhausted and I know I won’t be able to even open the book, I’m still taking it to bed. Sometimes I think that I go to sleep with a book the same way others go to sleep with a teddy bear.
Well, I’ve wasted enough time.
I’m going back to my book.