Wednesday, 5 February, 2025

Science Fiction

Our space shuttle will launch in just a few minutes. In the meantime, take a minute and get into the right mood with a good science fiction mood that will open your mind and prepare you for whatever lies on the other side.

חמישה-עשר מעגלי החיים הראשונים של הארי אוגוסט - קלייר נורת'

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August

Harry August lives his life repeatedly in an endless loop. Will he succeed in saving the world from the impending destruction? A brilliant modern fantasy by Claire North

The Handmade's Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale

Margaret Atwood likes to challenge her readers with stories that pull the rug from under their feet. She did it in Oryx and Crake (the wonderful and depressing), and she does it perfectly in The Handmaid’s Tale.

מגזין הספרות "מחסום כתיבה" נותן לכם את הספר "מחשבות סרק של הולך בטל" במתנה

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