Sunday, 8 December, 2024
Do you know this feeling you have when you run into a book that must, I mean MUST tell the whole world about? This is pretty much the idea behind this site. I write about books that I read, about reading and about writing. If you have ideas that you would like to share with me, you are more than welcomed to do so. Same goes if you ran into a mistake, any mistake. Just tell me. I rarely take it personally. You can also contact me if you have an insight about the site, had some revelation about a book you once read or if it is Tuesday and you want to tell me about it.
Do you know this feeling you have when you run into a book that must, I mean MUST tell the whole world about? This is pretty much the idea behind this site. I write about books that I read, about reading and about writing. If you have ideas that you would like to share with me, you are more than welcomed to do so. Same goes if you ran into a mistake, any mistake. Just tell me. I rarely take it personally. You can also contact me if you have an insight about the site, had some revelation about a book you once read or if it is Tuesday and you want to tell me about it.
Do you know this feeling you have when you run into a book that must, I mean MUST tell the whole world about? This is pretty much the idea behind this site. I write about books that I read, about reading and about writing. If you have ideas that you would like to share with me, you are more than welcomed to do so. Same goes if you ran into a mistake, any mistake. Just tell me. I rarely take it personally. You can also contact me if you have an insight about the site, had some revelation about a book you once read or if it is Tuesday and you want to tell me about it.
Writer’s block is a condition in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown. It can happen to a writer at any point in time, irrespective of their career success. – Wikipedia