Wednesday, 5 February, 2025


One of the most critical phases of this website was when I realized it was no longer merely a blog, but a literary magazine. Here you will find all the magazine articles on the site.

Ephraim Kishon's book dedication from the book my family right or wrong

20 Most Hilarious Book Dedications

Do you read book dedications, or do you just flip through them on your way to the real thing? After reading this, maybe you’ll start dedicating the appropriate time to dedications. Or maybe not.


Ready, Steady, Write!

Do you also need something to motivate you to make the effort and sit down to write? The internationally acclaimed National Novel Writing Month, known as NaNoWriMo, is probably just for you.

Pandemic Books

Six Pandemic Books to Read During Quarantine

With the COVID pandemic raging through the streets and getting more and more people into preventive quarantine, here are some books that might help you spend the next few weeks of isolation, and by the way, remind you that it can always get much worse.

מתנות ספרותיות

18 Perfect Gifts for Book Lovers

A second or two before the holidays, here are some gift ideas that will make any bookworm purr with happiness like a fatty cat that got a new juicy catnip mouse.

מגזין הספרות "מחסום כתיבה" נותן לכם את הספר "מחשבות סרק של הולך בטל" במתנה

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